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  3. How do I use the Admin Settings on the Toolbar?
  4. How to make changes “By Resource” or “By individual”?

How to make changes “By Resource” or “By individual”?

The “Admin Settings” can change many aspects of the course as you will see, when modifying the existing content, you must first decide whether you want to make a global change for all students, or just for a specific or group of students. 

By Resource” is the default setting and the best option to make a global change for the course. Below the “By Resource” button, you can select an individual student to change elements of the course for, but below we will look at an alternative method for this.

By pressing the “By Resource” Button, you will switch the Admin Settings to be “By Student”. This is the best method to make changes for an individual or a group.

You will now see a list of the enrolled students in your course show up below. To make modifications to resource elements for the specific selected students, press the “Select a resource” drop-down menu and select which resource you want to modify.